WELCOME TO our papery community

We are so thrilled you are here. Together we are breaking down the isolation many entrepreneurial stationers and calligraphers feel with online courses, free advice and invaluable resources to support and grow your stationery business.

With a combined knowledge of over 20 years in the wedding and stationery sector, your mentors Grania & Freya have decided its time to bring the stationery community together resulting in this incredible new community.

Come in and join us! We’d love to have you

Education & free resources to empower & inspire stationers & calligraphers

  • Online courses for wedding stationers and calligraphers

    Online Courses

    Level up your stationery business with a variety of online courses. Sign up to our newsletter to keep in the loop with new launches.

  • The Stationers' Retreat

    The Stationers' Retreat

    Join us on our annual Stationers’ Retreat:
    11 -14th Nov 2024.


  • Free resources for stationers and calligraphers

    Free Resources

    Work at your own pace with these incredible workbooks & tutorials specifically created for stationers.

5 week immersive branding course


You will build an invincible brand backbone resulting in a comprehensive set of brand guidelines, which will hold together everything you do, and move you forwards with authentic energy.


  • SUE

    “Oh my word! What a fantastic day! I went and visited Grania for a letterpress and mentoring session for a new business venture and my mind is blown 💥 Firstly, what an absolutely lovely lady and secondly I can’t believe the amount of things I have learnt today as well as made these correspondence cards for my new business from my own design ❤️ I thoroughly recommend this mentoring session - I’m inspired and full of ideas and strategy! Thank you”

  • laura

    When it comes to Grania and her expertise, you cannot fault her. I first met Grania when I attended her Stationers Apprentice course in the early stages of 2021. She has since become my mentor and a huge support and cheerleader for my own wedding stationery business. I always think it speaks volumes of someone when they decide to give something back and offer their knowledge and expertise to someone who has taken the step to running their own business. Without Grania, my business would not have achieved what it has in it's first year.

  • sarah

    Just wanted to say Thank You so much for everything you did during the course - I would be eve have had the knowledge or confidence to take a leap like this without your course. I would recommend signing up to ANYONE looking to learn more about wedding stationery and running a business in this area! I’m off now to delve back into some of the course content - seeing you opening the doors to a new contort has inspired me to get back into it with a year of practice under my belt :)

  • lora

    I could be here all day! There were so many incredible things about this course. I think first and foremost, it's crucial to say how fantastic Grania was (and is!). I never felt that my questions were silly, and I always received very helpful and insightful answers. The course was pitched at the perfect level for someone just starting their business, but I think it would also be very helpful for old-hands too! I also think that the course was extremely good value for money, considering the amount of time and effort that Grania puts into the course, and what I have gained from it.

Freya Deabill Suite Press business mentor for wedding stationers


Freya Deabill Suite Press business mentor for wedding stationers

freya deabill

Stationer to the stars with Deabill & Quince, and branding guru at The Brand New Studio.

GRania o’brien

Letterpress queen and founder of luxury letterpress invitation studio, Ink & Paper.